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Asustek's brain hole is a little big ROG Sica game mouse microswitch is broken, replace it yourself

Editor in charge: Popularity: 0 Published on: August 28, 2015【 large in Small
On the Internet, almost every big brand mouse has someone complaining about the failure of the microswitch, because this small part has to withstand countless clicks every day, and its reliability is always difficult to achieve perfection. Is there any way to solve this problem? Asustek opened its head and thought of a wonderful move: design a slot. If the micro switch breaks, users can change it by hand.
This mouse is the ROG Sica game mouse just released by ASUS. The ROG Sica is designed in a simple style. Its straight lines are a bit like its predecessor Gladius. The optical engine is the most popular Avago 3310 in the current game mouse, with a maximum DPI of 5000. It can achieve reliable tracking of 130 inches per second (acceleration of 30 G). It is suitable for various mouse pads such as plastic, glass, plastic, etc.
The biggest feature of ROG Sica is the replaceable slot type Omron microswitch. Remove the two screws on the bottom of the mouse, open the back cover, and the microswitch slot will be exposed in front of you. You can remove it directly by hand. The biggest advantage of doing this is that it can increase the service life of the mouse. After all, a brand new micro motion plus postage costs only a few yuan.
The official price of Sica has not yet been announced by Asus. Considering that its predecessor Gladius asked for more than $80, Sica should not be too cheap after its listing. However, the microswitch that allows users to change by themselves is a big temptation, and players should like this design.
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